Zoo Media presents SMART Zoo solutions


Zoo Media presents SMART Zoo solutions 

By Ellie Berdnarz

Zoo Media is here for the needs of every aspiring zoo. We are here to work for you and make everything perfect. When it comes to building and or expanding a brand, Zoo Media has the experience to help. But what exactly is this Smart Zoo service that Zoo Media has begun introducing?

Zoo Media brings creative new ideas which show the industry how Zoo Media technology products and services meet both visitors and Zoo Venue needs. More specifically we offer security, digital signage, Smart Zoo initiative, real-time information, Wi-Fi connection stations, enhancing the fan experience, and a revenue station.

The Smart Zoo initiative is one of the biggest projects that Zoo Media wants to offer, because it benefits the right businesses at perfect time. Overall, the initiative includes:Smart Zoo Energy, Smart Zoo Weather, Smart Zoo Medical Care, Smart Zoo Soil Conservation, Smart Zoo Animal Habitat, Smart Zoo Feeding Habits, Smart Zoo Services, Smart Zoo Water Conservation Smart Zoo Security, Smart Zoo Waste Management, Smart Zoo Functions, Smart Zoo Consumer Engagement, Audience Insight Platform, and Big Data Analysis.

One interesting feature that we want you to use is the Wi-Fi connection stations. In the day in age, everyone has a phone and consistently uses it. Now imagine taking a trip to the Zoo and you’re taking pictures throughout the day. That can drain your battery and you don’t want your phone to die during the most perfect picture opportunities. With the Wi-Fi connection station and The Rapid Advance Multi-Media you can now connect; Customer Engagement, Broadcast up to 300 Feet, Pings Any Enabled Mobile Device, Customer can opt IN or OUT, Business Intelligence, Mobile Engagement, Management Solutions, Valuable Marketing Information, Respects Individual Privacy.


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